Thursday, March 6, 2014

ARmanfix Advises - Refrigerator Repair or Replace !?

ARmanfix Advises - Repair or Replace
Phone: 718-382-9093
As the one kitchen appliance that is always running, the refrigerator should be expected to suffer some wear and tear. But Jeff points out that a refrigerator problem often subtly announces itself through the appearance of condensation or frost—long before the time comes when a breakdown might be imminent. “Visually check the fridge, maybe once a month,” says Jeff, “and if you see condensation or frost around the insides of the doors, then that means you have an air leak.” Any pooling water in the bottom of the fridge might indicate that the drain needs to be looked at and possibly cleaned out. While replacing the gasket and clearing the drain line are tasks that a homeowner can sometimes complete, Jeff recommends they be left to a professional repairman to avoid any mistakes that might create bigger problems later. Catching the problems early is definitely a matter of making a visual inspection of the refrigerator a regular part of your kitchen duties.

Another culprit that often contributes to refrigerator malfunction is dirty condenser coils. Usually located on the back, top, or bottom of the refrigerator, these coils help to cool the refrigerant. If the coils accumulate lint, they can’t get rid of heat efficiently, and the refrigerator’s compressor will work harder and use up more energy as a result. So not only is regularly cleaning the coils an easy way to prolong the life of your appliance and avoid repair calls, but it can also save you money monthly by reducing power usage. And in a machine that is always on, this can put a few extra dollars a month back into your pocket.

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